Our focus is simply to help you migrate with ease and peace. We do this by helping you determine the most suitable route for you and supporting you through the process because we are aware that one size does not fit all.
– The study route.
– The work or employment route.
– The family reunification route.
– The asylum or refugee route.
– The exchange program route.
– The investment route.
– The most popular being the study and employment route.
We offer employment and family reunification Migration Support to Canada and The United Kingdom
Ours is typically a 3-step process spanning a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 6 months.
Step 1
Book a 60 – 90-minute consultation call with an expert to ascertain your eligibility, level of preparedness, and most suitable option.
Step 2
Receive a 90-day implementation plan 10 working days after depending on the outcome of the call.
Step 3
Implement the plan accordingly using the guidance and tools in the document.
Add on 3 months of expert-guided implementation to support you in the process for a fee.
Alternatively, skip the entire process above and simply purchase the EASY “PEACE-Y” MIGRATION BLUEPRINT and implement the step-by-step process at your pace.